Yesterday, my husband and I went to Halifax on immigration business. We figured that since it is an hour and a half to get to Halifax in the first place, that we would just make a day of it. First stop was Canadian Immigrations, which was much more uneventful than I anticipated...however, I am officially a permanent resident! Still can't work just yet, but I am so close I can taste it. After the trip to Immigrations, (where the same man who signed my papers at the real border also signed my landing papers...weird) we wandered around downtown Halifax for a bit, and then went for lunch at the Economy Shoe Shop. (Very tasty, and the ambiance is amazing!) Now comes the fun part! (Fun for me anyway.)
I had mapped out several places for thrifting in the area. I needed to do some shopping in a "real" thrift store, as most of the shops around here are tiny, or deal pretty exclusively in used textiles. Oh sure, Frenchy's has its charm, and my little Salvation Army has some cute stuff occasionally, but I needed something different.
First store was the Salvation Army on Green Street. I found a "Friendship" pattern lid there, which was pretty cool, since I use the lids for crafty reasons. Also found an "Old Town Blue" mug, and a really pretty plate that was indeed just about as new as I thought. (Bought it anyway. It was green!) A few other less notable pieces, some barware for Mark. Most people would be content with this...I was not.
Next we went to Finer Things on Agricola. Lovely antique store...if you can afford antique store prices. They weren't outrageous, but they were still a bit out of my pricerange. I would go back again.
Have you ever shopped at an Army surplus store? We stopped at one of those, too, and it was weird. Some of the things they sold there made me think they were attempting to profit on the spoils of war...sad thing about said items...war seemed to spoil them. I realize that they items there are not actually spoils of any war...but it was weird. When a friend of Mark's told me too look there for old housewares, I thought she was kidding. Turns out, she wasn't. They were old alright...
Back into the car, and off to Value Village. I had never been to one before, but WOW! They are high-priced for a thrift store, but the stuff they had was great. Butterfly Gold (both mug and 2.5 qt casserole) came from there.
Today I was in Pyrex Heaven! Hmmm....wonder if I have to go to Halifax again on immigration business....
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