Ah...the joy of thrift! I hadn't been into the thrift store in my town for at least a week before Christmas...too many other things to do. Yesterday was a lovely day-near 60 degrees, and I had to walk downtown anyway, so I figured I would enjoy a trip to the "Sally Ann" as they call it here. (I don't know how they get Sally Ann out of Salvation Army, but there it is...)
I made my usual first stop in the store, which is in the wares department. I use the word department loosely...their department consists of one wall with about three bookshelf-sized areas that houses everything that isn't clothing or linens. Seems that used wares are hard to come by around here. I immediately spotted Pyrex. I can probably sniff it out at this point, blindfolded, but it is still fun to hunt. My finds included two of the "Woodland" print mugs, circa 1978 (Hey! They are as old as me!) and my favorite, an unmarked New Glasgow mug from 1975...the centennial of the incorporation of the town. Even though it isn't marked, it is a commemorative piece, and I think that is pretty cool. I now own my own little piece of New Glasgow history...kind-of.
I'm not as fond of the Woodland pattern as I am of other designs from the same era, but I do like the style of mug. I have three of them in this style now. I figure I can always use them for trade or something at a later date. After a long time of not finding anything, it was nice to bring home something that actually had the word "Pyrex" on it. I was beginning to think I was out of luck. I tried again today, but didn't actually find anything. Oh well. Yesterday cost me a whopping 75 cents. I'm not about to start complaining.
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