So, as has been established, I love Pyrex (Der!). I never understood why Pyrex patterns were on Corelle, rather than making lovely dishes with the patterns that looked so great on opal glass. Unlike many Pyrex collectors, I really am in it for the style of glass, not the patterns, and therefore don't collect Corelle, or Corning, or really anything outside of opal glass if I can help it. (I will make exception for a really old piece of Pyrex that came in clear before they really started developing their opal glass and colored prints.)
Then I discovered Termo-Rey. Termo-Rey is an odd little company that made blatant rip-offs of 70's Pyrex patterns, and put them on a lot of dinnerware, such as the bowls, mugs and saucers seen here. The pieces are never exactly like the Corelle that they were obviously meant to replace/compete with, and the colors are often a little off, but I find them so much more lovely to look at. Why would I buy such obvious copies? I am in it for the opal glass. These pretties were made in Brazil, and apparently are widely available in Canadian thrift stores. I had never seen anything like them until I moved up here, but have since purchased quite a bit in the Woodland pattern. (My husband's most hated pattern, but that is a story for another day.) Now, I don't see as much Corelle in the thrift stores here as I used to see back home. My theory is that the glass-maker was filling a demand in this area for the Corelle, that may not have been as readily available. I haven't done a lot of research as to why I can find this and not much Corelle, so this is only a theory. I will have to look into it further.
I am hoping that I will find some in the Spring Blossom pattern, or more pieces in Old Town Blue, which my husband seems to like the look of. (We now have 5 or 6 salad/cake plates in that pattern.) The other pattern that they seemed to make a lot of that was close in style was Butterfly Gold. I adore that pattern, but that is for weird sentimental reasons, and it doesn't begin to go with my kitchen. (Neither do the others, come to think of it...)
I am curious if other people are as interested in the look of Termo-Rey as I am. Anyone want to weigh in on that?
Did you ever find more Termo-Rey in the Spring Blossom? I found your blog after looking for more info on "Termo-Rey." I just found quite a few pieces in a thrift store and wondered about it. The kind I found had a green design and was very pretty!
Wow! Someone actually read my blog! Sorry. I was just surprised to see someone comment other than my one reader. :)
I've not found out too much about Termo-Rey since writing this post. I still prefer the look of it to Corelle, and will therefore continue looking for it.
Was your pattern Spring Blossom, or something else? (They made several other pieces in patterns that didn't match the Pyrex.) I had a cute bowl that was yellow and green tulips...sadly, it got broken.
Thanks for the comment...it encourages me to get back to writing here again!
Hi, I now know exactly what a blog is! Haha sorry. Yours has helped me! I live in Indiana and I collect a lot of pyrex but really any dish that is cute or colorful. Today I found three bowls and two mugs in the spring blossom pattern. I thougjt it was odd that they were marked termo rey but I like them. I had seen some before and passed them up :( . I also have pyr o rey or something like that and I believe that is mexican pyrex. The py ro rey is in a pattern that I do not recognize to be a pyrex pattern but im no expert. I have pics of my spring blossom termo rey. I do not know how to post them here
Hi, I now know exactly what a blog is! Haha sorry. Yours has helped me! I live in Indiana and I collect a lot of pyrex but really any dish that is cute or colorful. Today I found three bowls and two mugs in the spring blossom pattern. I thougjt it was odd that they were marked termo rey but I like them. I had seen some before and passed them up :( . I also have pyr o rey or something like that and I believe that is mexican pyrex. The py ro rey is in a pattern that I do not recognize to be a pyrex pattern but im no expert. I have pics of my spring blossom termo rey. I do not know how to post them here
I accidentally found a set of Termo Rey dishes on kijiji while shopping for milk glass and immediately bought them because they seemed so vintage compared to the Correlle dishes that I have with the same pattern. It's very interesting that they come from Brazil.
Good evening. I was looking through my in-laws old farmhouse and came across some Termo-Rey dishes. White withdark red trim, same dsign as what's posted. They are lovely. I found 6 small plates, 6 luncheon size plates, 6 small bowls and there were 4 tea cups. I brought them home and will use them as every day plates. Thanks for your blog,
Mary from Manitoba
Posted my 20 piece Termo Rey on Instagram #termorey
Just bought a little white set of cups and saucers today, white with gold rims. Very pretty
See it here in Newfoundland all the time..I sleYs pass on it but now you got me thinking
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