In August of 2009, I got a tattoo based on a pattern that is very special to me. I chose Butterfly Gold to symbolize a tie between my current love of Pyrex, and childhood memories of my Grandma's everyday Corelle dishes. My original intent was to just get a single butterfly in the style of the pattern above my big toe. My husband helped convince me that I should get an ankle band, and I endured the work to my right ankle pretty well. I have seen a few other Pyrex tattoos on Pyrex groups since then, but it still seems to be a fairly unique choice.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Pyrex for Life, but not Blogging
In August of 2009, I got a tattoo based on a pattern that is very special to me. I chose Butterfly Gold to symbolize a tie between my current love of Pyrex, and childhood memories of my Grandma's everyday Corelle dishes. My original intent was to just get a single butterfly in the style of the pattern above my big toe. My husband helped convince me that I should get an ankle band, and I endured the work to my right ankle pretty well. I have seen a few other Pyrex tattoos on Pyrex groups since then, but it still seems to be a fairly unique choice.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Blue Flowers

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Termo-Rey of Sunshine

So, as has been established, I love Pyrex (Der!). I never understood why Pyrex patterns were on Corelle, rather than making lovely dishes with the patterns that looked so great on opal glass. Unlike many Pyrex collectors, I really am in it for the style of glass, not the patterns, and therefore don't collect Corelle, or Corning, or really anything outside of opal glass if I can help it. (I will make exception for a really old piece of Pyrex that came in clear before they really started developing their opal glass and colored prints.)
Then I discovered Termo-Rey. Termo-Rey is an odd little company that made blatant rip-offs of 70's Pyrex patterns, and put them on a lot of dinnerware, such as the bowls, mugs and saucers seen here. The pieces are never exactly like the Corelle that they were obviously meant to replace/compete with, and the colors are often a little off, but I find them so much more lovely to look at. Why would I buy such obvious copies? I am in it for the opal glass. These pretties were made in Brazil, and apparently are widely available in Canadian thrift stores. I had never seen anything like them until I moved up here, but have since purchased quite a bit in the Woodland pattern. (My husband's most hated pattern, but that is a story for another day.) Now, I don't see as much Corelle in the thrift stores here as I used to see back home. My theory is that the glass-maker was filling a demand in this area for the Corelle, that may not have been as readily available. I haven't done a lot of research as to why I can find this and not much Corelle, so this is only a theory. I will have to look into it further.
I am hoping that I will find some in the Spring Blossom pattern, or more pieces in Old Town Blue, which my husband seems to like the look of. (We now have 5 or 6 salad/cake plates in that pattern.) The other pattern that they seemed to make a lot of that was close in style was Butterfly Gold. I adore that pattern, but that is for weird sentimental reasons, and it doesn't begin to go with my kitchen. (Neither do the others, come to think of it...)
I am curious if other people are as interested in the look of Termo-Rey as I am. Anyone want to weigh in on that?
Friday, January 9, 2009
Totally Hit the Jackpot!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ah...the joy of thrift! I hadn't been into the thrift store in my town for at least a week before Christmas...too many other things to do. Yesterday was a lovely day-near 60 degrees, and I had to walk downtown anyway, so I figured I would enjoy a trip to the "Sally Ann" as they call it here. (I don't know how they get Sally Ann out of Salvation Army, but there it is...)
I made my usual first stop in the store, which is in the wares department. I use the word department loosely...their department consists of one wall with about three bookshelf-sized areas that houses everything that isn't clothing or linens. Seems that used wares are hard to come by around here. I immediately spotted Pyrex. I can probably sniff it out at this point, blindfolded, but it is still fun to hunt. My finds included two of the "Woodland" print mugs, circa 1978 (Hey! They are as old as me!) and my favorite, an unmarked New Glasgow mug from 1975...the centennial of the incorporation of the town. Even though it isn't marked, it is a commemorative piece, and I think that is pretty cool. I now own my own little piece of New Glasgow history...kind-of.
I'm not as fond of the Woodland pattern as I am of other designs from the same era, but I do like the style of mug. I have three of them in this style now. I figure I can always use them for trade or something at a later date. After a long time of not finding anything, it was nice to bring home something that actually had the word "Pyrex" on it. I was beginning to think I was out of luck. I tried again today, but didn't actually find anything. Oh well. Yesterday cost me a whopping 75 cents. I'm not about to start complaining.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Here it is, my first "real" entry. I swear I will get better about this. This isn't a find, but rather, me getting use out of my favorite piece. I made mac and cheese last night, of the home-made variety. This also isn't anything new for me, but everytime I make it, it just gets better and better. My sister and I agree that the best part is the crusty baked-on cheese. Delicious!