Sunday, March 8, 2009

Termo-Rey of Sunshine

So, as has been established, I love Pyrex (Der!). I never understood why Pyrex patterns were on Corelle, rather than making lovely dishes with the patterns that looked so great on opal glass. Unlike many Pyrex collectors, I really am in it for the style of glass, not the patterns, and therefore don't collect Corelle, or Corning, or really anything outside of opal glass if I can help it. (I will make exception for a really old piece of Pyrex that came in clear before they really started developing their opal glass and colored prints.)

Then I discovered Termo-Rey. Termo-Rey is an odd little company that made blatant rip-offs of 70's Pyrex patterns, and put them on a lot of dinnerware, such as the bowls, mugs and saucers seen here. The pieces are never exactly like the Corelle that they were obviously meant to replace/compete with, and the colors are often a little off, but I find them so much more lovely to look at. Why would I buy such obvious copies? I am in it for the opal glass. These pretties were made in Brazil, and apparently are widely available in Canadian thrift stores. I had never seen anything like them until I moved up here, but have since purchased quite a bit in the Woodland pattern. (My husband's most hated pattern, but that is a story for another day.) Now, I don't see as much Corelle in the thrift stores here as I used to see back home. My theory is that the glass-maker was filling a demand in this area for the Corelle, that may not have been as readily available. I haven't done a lot of research as to why I can find this and not much Corelle, so this is only a theory. I will have to look into it further.

I am hoping that I will find some in the Spring Blossom pattern, or more pieces in Old Town Blue, which my husband seems to like the look of. (We now have 5 or 6 salad/cake plates in that pattern.) The other pattern that they seemed to make a lot of that was close in style was Butterfly Gold. I adore that pattern, but that is for weird sentimental reasons, and it doesn't begin to go with my kitchen. (Neither do the others, come to think of it...)

I am curious if other people are as interested in the look of Termo-Rey as I am. Anyone want to weigh in on that?